
Category: Trauma-informed working

Co-production in the Lost Mothers Project

Transforming criminal justice narratives through lived experience engagement
5 Jun 2024

Birth Companions: Co-designing a new support service

For women who are experiencing or at risk of the removal of their baby at birth by children’s social services
21 Jun 2023

Exploring… Pregnancy and birth in the justice system

JUSTICE podcast episodes, Part 1 and Part 2
30 May 2023

In Conversation with... Birth Companions

One Small Thing JUSTICE podcast
4 Jul 2022

Why Health Visitors Matter

Perspectives on a widely valued service
10 May 2022

Trauma-Informed Care in Women's Prisons

A co-produced rapid literature review
1 Mar 2022

Pregnancy, MBUs and maternal separation in women’s prisons Policy Framework

Ministry of Justice and Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service policy framework
20 Sep 2021

Women’s Health Strategy

Birth Companions' written submission to the DHSC
9 Jun 2021

Cultural Mediation

An inclusive solution to help reduce the cultural and language barriers experienced by survivors of trafficking
10 Mar 2021

Trauma-informed care in the perinatal period

A good practice guide to support implementation of trauma-informed care in the perinatal period
22 Feb 2021

Perinatal Support for Asylum Seekers

Delivering perinatal education and support for highly vulnerable mothers in the UK asylum system
1 Jan 2021

Supporting midwives to address the needs of women experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage

Position statement from the Royal College of Midwives
23 Nov 2020

Adverse Childhood Experiences

What we know, what we don’t know, and what should happen next
1 Feb 2020

The Birth Charter Toolkit

A practical guide to implementing the Birth Charter’s recommendations
12 Dec 2019

A sense of safety

Trauma-informed approaches for women
4 Dec 2019

Engaging with complexity

Providing effective trauma-informed care for women
4 Dec 2019

Five Principles of Perinatal Peer Support

What does good look like?
3 Dec 2019

Holding it all together

Understanding how far the human rights of women facing disadvantage are respected during pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.
18 Jun 2019

Whole prison, whole person

How a holistic approach can support good mental health in prison
23 Apr 2019

Breaking Down the Barriers

Findings of the National Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Multiple Disadvantage
27 Feb 2019

Hand in Hand

Survivors of Multiple Disadvantage Discuss Service & Support
31 Dec 2018

The Women’s Mental Health Taskforce

Final report
19 Dec 2018

Promising practice from the frontline

Exploring gendered approaches to supporting women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage
1 Dec 2018

Still No Way Out

Foreign national women and trafficked women in the criminal justice system
17 Sep 2018

Maternal Request Caesarean

Birthrights research findings
1 Sep 2018

Mapping the Maze

Services for women experiencing multiple disadvantage in England and Wales
1 Sep 2017

"I didn't think we'd be dealing with stuff like this"

A qualitative study of volunteer support for very disadvantaged pregnant women and new mothers
5 Jun 2017

Caring to make a difference with vulnerable women

The impact of targeted support on birth-related outcomes and experiences
4 May 2017

Motherhood disrupted

Reflections of post-prison mothers
2 Mar 2017

Joining The Dots

The combined burden of violence, abuse and poverty in the lives of women
5 Oct 2016

Birth Charter for Women in Prison

The Birth Charter is a set of recommendations for the care of pregnant women and new mothers in prison.
26 May 2016

Hidden Hurt

Violence, abuse and disadvantage in the lives of women
5 Jan 2016

Peer support during pregnancy and early parenthood

A qualitative study of models and perceptions
12 Oct 2015

Women and Girls at Risk

Evidence across the course of life
6 Aug 2014
Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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