The Birth Charter for women with involvement from children's social care sets out how services and systems in England should support all women involved with children’s social care from conception to their child’s second birthday - the period known as the '1001 critical days'.
In this publication, we outline 14 principles to help protect women’s rights to safe, fair and compassionate care, and call for a national health and social care pathway for pregnant women and mothers of infants who are subject to pre-birth or parenting assessment, or child protection proceedings.
The Birth Charter for women with involvement from children's social care was developed with invaluable input from members of the Birth Companions Lived Experience Team, 4PB Family Law Barristers, MSB Solicitors, the Association of Child Protection Professionals, and the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research at Lancaster University.
Birth Companions is delighted to have also received messages of support for this publication from the Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists, the Chief Social Worker for Children and Families in England, and other family law professionals.
Read more about support for the Birth Charter for women with involvement from children's social care