“I was at a very low point and had depression throughout my pregnancy. However, the birth was a good experience. I feel the birth has been a turning point.”

Our antenatal, birth and postnatal support

Being pregnant and preparing for the birth of a new baby without the support of family and friends, or the resources to get essential information and practical items can be hard.

During pregnancy we can visit a woman at home or meet in a place of her choice. We can also speak to her regularly over the phone if that is what she prefers. We can help her help women plan and prepare for the birth of their baby, whatever other issues they face in their lives. 

The support we offer is always tailored to the need of each woman but examples of what we can help with includes supporting women with information pregnancy health and wellbeing, positions for labour and birth, pain relief and what happens after birth. We can also help women to record their birth choices as well as talking to hospital staff to ensure they understand what she would like to happen during her labour.  

We work with an amazing organisation called PramDepot and together we can also provide women with a full range of maternity and baby items, so they are prepared when the baby arrives.  

Some women face giving birth without a birth supporter. If a woman will be alone when giving birth, we may be able arrange for our volunteers to be with her at the hospital throughout the labour. Our volunteer Birth Companions give emotional and practical support, and advocate for women with hospital staff and other professionals. Volunteers can continue to visit until the woman is discharged, providing crucial support as she starts to parent her new baby.

After the birth we can continue supporting women, providing advice and reassurance through the early weeks and months. We can help the mother find out what’s available in her local area for her and her baby and she may be able attend our own mother and baby group (see below).

We have many years’ experience of supporting women who have social services involvement and in particular women who have been or will be separated from a baby. We understand just how hard this is for mothers and as well as offering emotional support through this incredibly difficult time, we offer help to women to navigate the system to make sure they understand the process they are going through. 

For more information about our antenatal, birth and postnatal community services, please contact Eppie.

Tel: 07538 114 712

Or leave a message on our phoneline: 020 7117 2824
(please note this phone is not staffed but messages can be left and we aim to respond within 48 hours)

Our Mother and Baby group

Support and a sense of community are vital during early motherhood. Some women facing many challenges will prefer to come to a group that is designed to meet their needs with other mothers in similar situations.

Our weekly group in north London provides a space for mums and babies to come together and support each other in a relaxed and friendly way. Pregnant women are also welcome. Every week we do a different activity to learn new things and have fun, including: 

  • Baby massage
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Arts and crafts activities
  • First aid
  • Group discussions

At the group women can also get practical items such as toys and clothes for their babies, get referred to organisations to help with issues like housing and immigration, and learn about other services and resources for mothers and babies.

For more information about our mother and baby group, please contact Sophie.

Email: Sophie
Tel: 07946 595 627

Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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