Making sure our services meet women’s needs

We gather detailed feedback from the women we support to ensure that our services are meeting their needs and are effective in making a difference in their lives. We also collect targeted data which allows us to explore a range of the issues and disadvantages women are facing. Each year we produce an Impact Report which shares the information we have gathered and the impact we have achieved,

From 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 we supported 130 women and birthing people in prisons in England, and 131 women in the community in London and the South East. We provided a range of practical and emotional support during pregnancy, birth and in the first two years of parenting. We supported 61 women during separation from their baby both in prison and the community.

100% of the women who gave us feedback felt our support had helped improve their mental health and well-being

94% of the women who gave us feedback felt we had helped them to feel less isolated

100% of women who gave us feedback felt they had been able to give their babies a better start in life as a result of our support

Read our Impact Report 2023-2024

We also commission external evaluations of our services:

Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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