Birth Companions was founded in 1996 after a Channel 4 News report showed a woman in custody at Holloway prison being held in restraints during labour. In the years since, we have continued to provide support to incarcerated women while campaigning for an end to their imprisonment. 

And yet, here we are again, nearly 30 years later, hearing mothers talk of the trauma of being shackled in hospital while preparing to give birth to their babies.1 2 3 Our hearts go out to them and their families.

These latest scandals demonstrate that, despite significant changes to policy in recent years, prison is not, and never will be, a safe or appropriate place for pregnant women, new mothers and their babies.  This is because the difference between what is written in policy and what actually happens in practice creates such serious risks and consequences. We need a different approach.

The government recognises that prison doesn’t work for women: it heaps harm on top of harm, and fails to address the drivers of women’s offending. Now is the time to ensure that pregnant women and mothers are kept out of custody, and where needed, receive community sentences that address their offending behaviour while keeping them and their children safe.

1. Channel 4 News report 19th February 2025:

2. Channel 4 News report 21st February 2025:

3. Tortoise Media report 25th February 2025:

For further information or comment, please contact Kirsty Kitchen at [email protected] or on 07792779742.

Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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